Our fundamentals: Continuous involvement

With the participation concept, we - together with the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing and the Spandau district office - have developed a framework that defines the scope for citizens' participation in the future planning and implementation process of Siemensstadt Square.

Public participation is basically differentiated according to the degree of influence in three stages: Information - Consultation - Co-decision.
If you want to know who the central contributors are, which information and participation formats are available and in which construction phases, at which locations and on which topics citizen participation is planned, have a look into our participation concept.

Learn more. Browse through or download the participation concept. (Only available in German)

Information and participation formats at a glance

By means of recurring information and participation activities, we keep Berlin's urban society constantly informed, maintain an ongoing dialog and actively involve the Berliners in our decision-making on selected issues.

Siemensstadt Square information and participation formats

The project website from Siemens provides background information on the development of Siemensstadt Square. The website is designed barrier-free, and all information is available bilingually (German and English). Questions can be asked, and suggestions can be submitted at any time via a contact form.

The websites of the State of Berlin also provide a wide range of information on the development of the neighborhood. In addition, the state of Berlin uses the participation platform mein.Berlin.de for online participation.

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The Citizens' Forum is a recurring event format that has established itself as an information medium in recent years. This is to be continued, twice a year, likely in Spring and Autumn. The general public will be informed about the current project status. The active involvement of citizens and consultation on specific aspects is always explicitly desired. The Citizens' Forum is organized alternately by Siemens and the Senate Department for Urban Development, Building and Housing.

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An information pavilion will be built at the entrance to the new city quarter, where interested members of the public can obtain information about the Siemensstadt Square project and which will act as a contact point. This pavilion will be occupied by Siemens for at least 10 years. The public will be consulted on the contents of the exhibition to ensure that the provision of information is appropriate to the target group and its needs.

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The Siemens newsletter is already a proven communication tool. It is published in regular intervals of about 3 months to report on important milestones or to announce events. The newsletter is created and distributed by Siemens. Square News is available via the project website of Siemens AG. The immediate neighborhood receives the newsletter in printed form in the mail.

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The podcast offers background information in the context of Siemensstadt Square. In interviews, discussions and reports, topics such as urban technologies, urban development and smart building are addressed. The podcast is made available by Siemens via the project website and all known podcast platforms.

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